Monday, January 2, 2023

Post-IDFA Era – The Mobile Marketer will Prevail

Post-IDFA Era – The Mobile Marketer will Prevail

Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) feature will roll out in early spring, according to the company statement. The move will change the company’s Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) from opt-out to opt-in across iOS 14+ operating systems. The whole ecosystem that created value to the mobile app publishers and developers faces a tectonic change –bottom line, the mobile marketer will prevail!

Apple’s ATT changes will reduce visibility into essential metrics that show how ads drive conversions, such as engagement and sales. This change will affect how advertisers value mobile advertising.

To help improve iOS monetization rates, we encourage mobile app publishers and developers to upgrade to version 4.6.0, iOS 14+ compliant SDK, and follow guidelines for iOS 14+ readiness:

Since mid-2020, when Apple introduced this change, the whole ecosystem has been adjusting its products to enable some ad spend visibility. You can learn more about how Google, Facebook, and Twitter are addressing this change.

The main question is how marketers are going to handle this change. Are we going to see a shift in budgets? Should the billboard industry, the print, and radio get a more significant piece of the pay? At, the answer is crystal clear: mobile marketing will stay the industry front runner – here is why.

The Mobile Marketer Cockpit

The mobile marketer cockpit has changed dramatically in the past few years. The ability to measure every step of the funnel introduced a new world of measurement and ROI optimization. Those changes brought a new marketer with “an unlimited budget” – a marketer that can measure the direct impact of every dollar ad spent. Apple’s change may impact some cockpit features, yet, the mobile device offering is still highly valuable. Introduces Hyper-Contextual Mobile Marketing Driven by 1st Party Data

For a pilot, having a weather map of the whole route is essential when planning and navigating, yet it can’t replace the immediate and direct sensors.  new iOS SDK launches a new set of features that enable real-time targeting and optimization driven by our SDK 1st Party Data. Marketers running display and video campaigns will shift their focus to the ability to target according to the device’s contextual usage s SDK will enable optimization according to the local time of the marketer campaign, location (country, district, city, and more), app category and sub-category, app version, ad placement, device language, previous session’s ad engagement, and more.

This set of features will allow marketers to have additional granularity like never before even in the absence of a unique identifier on their campaigns. The mobile device remains a powerful tool for marketers.

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