Headaches are the most common types of pain, and can have many causes. To treat your headache successfully, you need to know what type of headache you have, as well as its cause. The main types of headaches are tension headaches, migraines, cluster headaches, and sinus headaches. A migraine is a severe throbbing pain that typically affects one side of the head, while a tension headache may occur on both sides of the head. Cluster headaches involve recurring bouts of severe pain on one side of the head at an interval of about 24 hours between attacks.
Migraine – Migraines cause throbbing pain that’s sometimes described as an intense pressure. More than anything else, migraine sufferers want to find a way ttoldstop their headaches—and for many, medication helps. But for about 30 percent of migraine patients who don’t respond well to treatment, experts recommend cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The goal is to identify your migraine triggers and learn how to handle them so they don’t lead to pain. If you can avoid stressors like overworking or skipping meals, you can significantly reduce migraines without drugs.
Why Do I Have Headaches?
When headaches strike, it’s important to understand what kind you’re dealing with—and why it may be happening. This guide can help you identify a headache trigger and get back to feeling great faster. The most common types of headaches include: tension headaches, which feel like a tight band around your head; cluster headaches, which occur in quick bursts over several days; sinus headaches, which occur on one side of your head near your sinuses or face; migraine headaches, which cause intense throbbing pain on one side of your head; and cranial-nerve-related syndromes that involve pressure or burning sensations in your eyes (often associated with other facial pain).
Other Causes of Headaches
Migraines, sinus headaches, tension headaches, post-traumatic headaches, and cluster headaches. There are lots of different types of headaches that you can get. The most common kind is a tension headache. This is also called a muscle-contraction type headache because it happens when too much pressure builds up in your head from straining your neck or shoulders. A migraine happens more often than not if you have some type of underlying cause for them (and not all people who have migraines know what these underlying causes are). They usually get worse with physical activity like working out or having sex. Sinus Headaches occur when your sinuses become inflamed and trigger pain near your nose and eyes. These can be triggered by allergies or colds.
The Relationship Between Stress
and Headaches
As many as 4 in 10 people suffer from regular headaches, and those numbers can be higher in certain population groups. It’s no secret that stress is a common trigger for headaches, but understanding exactly how stress triggers headaches can help you manage your condition more effectively. Understanding why you get a headache (and when) will help you figure out how to stop it before it starts. Stress doesn’t necessarily cause headaches; however, chronic stress may raise your risk of developing some types of migraines. The good news is that most migraine symptoms can be managed with treatment. Migraine treatment focuses on preventing attacks before they happen or aborting an attack once it’s begun.
Caffeine and Migraines
While drinking coffee or having a cup of tea for breakfast is common practice for many people, it can trigger headaches for some. It’s often reported that caffeine withdrawal symptoms can cause headaches as well. The severity of migraines caused by caffeine varies greatly from person to person, with some people not being able to consume any coffee or tea at all. If you feel like your migraines worsen after consuming caffeine, take note if there is a correlation between your intake and intensity.
Alcohol Use and Migraines
About 1 in 4 migraine sufferers who aren’t taking any medications or drugs report alcohol use as a trigger for their headaches. A small percentage of people (under 2%) experience more severe migraines when they drink alcohol. There is some evidence that drinking beer, particularly dark beer, may be more likely to cause migraines than other types of alcohol like red wine. If you have a history of alcoholism, you may also be more likely to experience headache-related complications when drinking (such as rebound headaches). Drinking on an empty stomach may also make a migraine worse. If you’re concerned about how alcohol might affect your migraines, it can be helpful to track your experiences with various beverages and foods by keeping a food diary.
Medications That Cause
Do you regularly experience headaches? Is your medication causing them? Learn about common prescription drugs that can cause headaches as a side effect. For example, blood pressure medications called beta blockers, many antidepressant medications including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and others can cause or worsen head pain. Many times, doctors may prescribe a drug that they know could result in a side effect but doesn’t feel it’s important enough to report to patients. This kind of information might be found on your medication package insert—so be sure to ask your doctor or pharmacist if any other drugs you take could be causing your headaches before taking a new medicine. One of these remedies might be able to help relieve headaches caused by medicines
More Frequent Headaches in
Children get headaches, too, but they’re different from what you experience as an adult. For one thing, children’s head pain usually isn’t on just one side. According to Berenson-Allen, young children often feel behind their eyes or in their face rather than on one side of their head. This can make it difficult for parents to know if their child is experiencing a migraine—or if he has another condition like a cold or sinus infection that just happened to make his head hurt.
Foods That Can Cause
Headaches in Kids
According to Everyday Health, as many as 35 million Americans suffer from headaches. In children, headaches can be caused by problems ranging from stress to medical conditions. Headaches may also occur due to sensitive teeth or dental pain that is a result of decay or infection. Fortunately, most types of headache in children respond well to medications like ibuprofen. If a child experiences frequent headaches, it’s important for parents to schedule regular dental visits so he can receive prompt treatment for teeth that need care.
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