Sujok therapy is based on Traditional Chinese medicine and aims to realign your body’s energy system. It involves the insertion of needles into the energy meridians of your skin in order to stimulate your body’s natural self-healing powers and promote healing, relaxation, and a sense of well-being.
What is Sujok Therapy?
Those who’ve experienced acupuncture or massage are familiar with acupressure. The basic principle of acupressure—i.e., applying pressure to certain points on your body to treat various ailments—is pretty simple, but exactly where those points are varies depending on which treatment you’re receiving. However, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has another technique called su jok, meaning acupuncture without needles. While its principles can be traced back thousands of years in TCM texts, su jok was popularized by a Korean practitioner named Oh Ki Whang in 2002.
The History
Sujok therapy is an ancient art that dates back thousands of years. In fact, Sujok techniques have been passed down in written form for over 600 years. There are numerous hand-written books that show diagrams of hundreds of pressure points on both hands, as well as descriptions of illnesses these points can cure. Practitioners also rely on their own experience to diagnose and treat various health problems. In China, for example, Sujok is a major part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). And in India, studies show practitioners successfully use Sujok to treat physical and mental conditions such as epilepsy, infertility issues and asthma.
The Founder
It is said that with each birthday, a person starts to lose energy from their vital body. This can cause them to fall ill as well as bringing numerous problems in different areas of life. The Founder of Sujok Therapy, Jang Bin Taek (장빈택), once experienced a severe illness during his childhood. After he recovered, his mother taught him about various natural remedies. Later on in life, he learned spiritual healing methods from his father and followed in his footsteps to become a master healer who healed hundreds of patients suffering from various illnesses. The Founder opened many clinics after years of success treating patients while also helping train many students along the way who now continue practicing sujok therapy at their own clinics.
Types of Diseases Treatable with Sujok
Yes, according to some studies, regular practice of sujok can ease pain from arthritis. The Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology published a report in 2014 that showed that people who practiced sujok for 90 minutes per day saw a significant reduction in pain after three months. While there are certainly other physical therapies for arthritis, such as heat treatments or physiotherapy, sujok may help because it deals with joint flexibility. A further study showed that people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis also saw reductions in their symptoms when practicing sujok techniques. It’s worth noting that some doctors recommend avoiding these techniques if you have recently suffered an injury; wait six weeks before starting to learn new exercises so your body has time to recover fully.
Research has shown that applying pressure to certain points on your body can relieve pain, reduce swelling, and increase blood flow. By stimulating specific acupressure points, Sujok practitioners believe they can help relieve pain in patients suffering from arthritis. While some may say these results are achieved through a placebo effect, many patients insist there are noticeable improvements when practicing Sujok therapy. The idea of removing toxins from your body through natural methods or homeopathic remedies has been around for centuries. And now with studies showing that acupuncture helps arthritis sufferers relax and sleep better, there’s even more proof to support its effectiveness. Aesthetics: In addition to healing internal ailments, many practitioners believe in using sujok treatments to improve overall appearance as well.
Migraine Headaches
As far as causes go, asthma tends to be triggered by excessive cold air exposure, but certain triggers can be food-related. Specifically, spicy foods that cause heartburn may worsen asthma symptoms in some people. Similarly, dietary ingredients like sugar and caffeine tend to irritate coughs if they are inhaled into your lungs. As far as diet modifications go, avoiding these triggers while maintaining a healthy diet will ensure that you don’t experience increased symptoms. While there is no concrete research proving that sujok treatments help with specific ailments (such as asthma), patients report reduced migraines, improved liver health and other positive effects from various treatments.
Traditionally, Sujok therapy has been used to treat asthma. In one study conducted by researchers at University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, patients with severe asthma who underwent Sujok sessions reported a marked improvement in symptoms for up to six months. The study was published in Respirology . [1] Other studies have shown that specific finger positions can reduce blood pressure and alleviate fatigue. [2] Based on these findings, it seems that though a patient’s general health may have improved through conventional medicine, perhaps there was a long-term improvement due to regular sujok treatment as well.
While some research has been done into whether or not meridian-based acupressure might be effective in reducing allergy symptoms, there’s no hard evidence yet. One small but promising study published in 2007 showed that a specific acupuncture point (GV20) may help to relieve sneezing, itching, and watery eyes associated with allergies. Sujok experts claim to be able to treat even more severe cases of allergies with a combination of acupuncture plus suction therapy. Whether or not there’s scientific proof that suction will combat your seasonal allergies, finding a practitioner who really knows what they’re doing can lead to some serious relief.
Sciatica Pain in Lower Back, Buttocks
and Legs
Simple steps to reduce lower back pain. Sciatic pain, also known as sciatic neuritis, can occur in a single nerve or along a length of several nerves in either one or both legs. The most common form of sciatic pain occurs when a herniated disk in your spine irritates one of your spinal nerves. This form of sciatic pain may feel like electrical shocks shooting down your leg when you stand up, walk or move around. You may feel better after resting for short periods but experience increasing pain during exercise or other activity. Some treatments for acute (recent) lower back include
Depression & Anxiety Section:
This can be a side effect of depression. Treatment: Try exercising daily, even if you don’t feel like it. The exercise can help clear your mind and reduce stress. Additionally, you may want to try talking with someone you trust, such as a friend or family member. Most importantly, however, you may want to consult with a mental health professional (doctor or therapist). Meditation & Yoga: Meditation can help ease symptoms of anxiety by reducing stress. It can also improve sleep quality for those suffering from depression or insomnia. Treatment: Sit comfortably in a quiet place where no one will disturb you (preferably not in bed). Close your eyes and sit still for 10 minutes on each day for 3-5 days in a row.
Stress Section: Urinary Incontinence
Stress incontinence results from weakened muscles around your urethra, so making sure you’re exercising these muscles can help relieve stress incontinence. Yoga is a great way to strengthen your pelvic floor, as are Kegel exercises. To do Kegels: squeeze or contract your pelvic muscles; hold for 5 seconds; release and relax for 5 seconds; repeat 10 times per day. Like any muscle, doing Kegels regularly helps you improve with practice, but don’t forget to rest. Your muscles will get tired quickly if you do too many at once! Deep breathing: Stressors such as financial issues or family problems aren’t going away on their own, so learning how to handle them better can make a difference in your stress levels.
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