Thursday, November 2, 2023

How To Soundproof Dog Crate For Thunderstorms: 6 Easy Process!

How To Soundproof Dog Crate For Thunderstorms: 6 Easy Process!

 Most people want to soundproof their dog crates to stop their neighbors from complaining about the barking sound. But a dog crate can also be used to protect your dog’s ears from thunderstorms. 

Because most dogs generally experience extreme anxiety when they hear loud sounds such as fireworks or thunder. That is why you need to create a safe space for your pet. Here in this article, we have covered 6 easy processes on how to soundproof dog crate for thunderstorms using proper materials. 


Table of Contents

Important Things You Should Keep In Mind While Soundproofing Your Dog Crate

The crate that you are using for your dog should provide the sense of security that your pet requires. If your dog is barking a lot inside the crate, then it means that the dog is just not secure there. 

And as a pet owner, you should know that dogs are generally scared of fireworks and thunderstorms mainly because they are very sensitive to hearing and they also don’t understand the sounds. 

You might have already noticed that your dogs are trying to hide behind chairs, tables, or beds when they hear fireworks, thunder, or gunshots. That is why your crate should be capable enough to provide that sense of security and lower the anxiety levels of your dog.

Because of that soundproofing should be your first priority. Also, you should keep in mind that your dog should be able to breathe freely. You might require a solidly constructed crate for soundproofing, however, it is equally important to provide enough space for ventilation.

You should also make sure that there is sufficient lighting available inside. And if possible, you should make soothing music available too, as it would be helpful in calming the dog.


6 Easy Steps To Soundproof Your Dog Crate For Thunderstorms: Keep Your Dog Calm During Thunderstorms

The methods which we have described in this article employ the same principles of soundproofing that are effective for rooms or cars and it requires using proper materials. Here are the 6 easy steps to help you in this process.  

1. Use A Crate Cover

If you already have a crate for your dog then you can add a crate cover to it to soundproof it. Because if you want to prevent sound from penetrating into a dog crate, then you need padding.  

The Pet Dreams crate cover can be your perfect option as it provides all-around coverage and cushioning. And this crate cover comes in three parts and it provides interior and exterior coverage for your dog crate.  

It has an exterior cover that would block sound before it reaches the crate. It also includes an interior floor pad that would provide a soft comfortable space for your pet and a foam bumper to protect frenetic pets from the metal exterior of the crate.



Also, the crate cover is made from breathable and machine-washable materials. And you can easily disassemble the cover if required and throw part of it into the washer. Its fabric is long-lasting and made of a soft material that is perfect for pet beds and cushions. 

It also comes in a wide range of sizes and colors, which makes it a suitable option for most crates. If you cover the crate, it will create a comfortable and quiet space for your pet, however, it would not block out all noise completely. 

So, if your pet tends to bark a lot, then you might want to consider choosing a much larger space such as a room that can be fully soundproofed. 

2. Using Sound Deadener

Sound deadeners that are used for cars can be a much more effective option for soundproofing your dog crate. These sound deadeners generally come in a peel-and-stick form. That is why all you need to do is to stick them on the interior walls and roof of the crate after removing the adhesive backing. 

It can be a really quick and effective method of soundproofing your dog crate. Also, it might be a cost-effective method, because it might not cost that much depending on the sound deadener you are using. 

However, some of the most effective sound-deadening materials come at a high price. That is why you can go for cheaper options and install two layers of that material to get more effective results. And it can be an excellent option for reducing the sound of fireworks, thunder, and others entering the crate.

3. Try Acoustic Foam Panels

If you only want to cover a small area, then acoustic foam panels will not take a lot of money. And you should not go with the cheaper options, because these alternatives would not work as effectively as acoustic foam panels.  

Also, acoustic foam panels are perfect for small and medium-sized dog crates if your dog generally gets really nervous during thunderstorms and fireworks. And if you apply these acoustic panels to the crate, then your dog will hear a very minimum amount of exterior sounds.

These foam panels will also help absorb your dog’s howling or barking sound. That is why this can be a good option if you are living in an apartment building or have nearby neighbors who can get annoyed with these sounds.   

And before choosing this option, you should consider where your home is located. Because the acoustic foam panels are not permanent, however, it is definitely not a quick and easy task to take the panels on and off the crate. That is why it would be best if you consider this as a semi-permanent option. 

4. Use Soundproof And Moving Blankets

Soundproof and moving blankets are actually different from ordinary blankets that you generally use in your home. There is a slight difference between these two types of products, however, both of these can provide the required mass and density that can help you soundproof your dog’s crate.   

The unique part of these blankets is their construction. Moving blankets are actually constructed in layers, where the exterior layers are made from soft fabric. And the internal layer is made of a thin layer of padding. 


And this special type of construction makes these blankets an excellent option for blocking and absorbing sound waves. Also, moving blankets are fairly large, so you might be able to cover a small to medium-sized crate with just one blanket. But, if you want to really soundproof your dog crate, then you might need to consider using two to three blankets. 

You should start by wrapping the exterior of the crate with a blanket and properly tuck all of the corners inward. Also, if required you can even clip the blanket with the binder clips. 

After that, just fold a blanket into a cushion and then lay it on the floor of your dog crate.  However, you should make sure that you let the sides of the moving blanket extend up the sides of the crate for a few inches to provide extra cushioning for your pet. 

Also, you can throw a blanket over the top of the crate and allow it to hang loosely mid-way down the front of the crate. You should always ensure that your pet has a lot of air flowing in from the front of the crate and keep in mind to leave a part of the crate uncovered to regulate airflow and temperature. 

5. Soundproofing Your Entire Room

This option might be useful for you if you have a very large breed, or your dog has a loud barking sound that bothers your neighbors. In this method, you would need a mix of those materials that we have already mentioned in the article and a creative approach. 

And you would also need a little patience to execute this method quite efficiently. Also, this option would be perfect for a small room that you do not use that much. That is why you should start by choosing a space and then you can decide how much materials you would need.  

Acoustic panels are one of the most effective soundproofing options and it is also excellent for smaller spaces. If you want to use this option, then you would need to line your walls and ceiling with the panels. However, if your room is on the first floor, then you don’t need to do anything with your floor.

But, if you want to go with a more affordable option, then you can just hang moving blankets on your walls and ceiling. You can just nail the blankets on all sides and make sure that the material is properly attached.

And if you can soundproof a room, then you would not only be able to prevent sounds from coming into that room, but also you can keep your dog’s loud barking noise from getting out. 

That is why if you are living in an apartment, then you should soundproof your place by using some simple and budget-friendly soundproofing solutions and it would also prevent your neighbors from hearing your dog’s barking. 

6. Using Soundproof Crate For Dogs

Your dogs might love their crates, however, only a few crates are actually made to protect dogs from loud and sudden noises. That is why you need a genuine soundproof crate. 

And one of those very few products that are actually made to keep your dog relaxed is ZenCrate. It is one of the most attractive of all crates and can easily fit in with your home’s wooden furnishings. 

It also has proximity sensors that activate the speakers, fans, and camera. And it is WiFi-enabled, so you can check in on your dog or adjust its settings with a free mobile app. With these highly-advanced features, the ZenCrate is definitely expensive.   

Alternative Solutions To Soundproof Your Dog Crate: Reduce Your Dog’s Anxiety During Thunderstorms

According to Forbes, as of 2022, almost 44.5% of households in the U.S. own dogs, and only 29% of households own cats. And you can try various other techniques to reduce the sounds which can irritate your dog enough to start barking. 


1. White Noise

Many people never leave their dogs alone without leaving the music or a fan on. Because both of these things can act as some sort of soundproofing as they are actually white noise. And the sound of music or the fan will distract the dog from the noise coming in from outside. 


2. Noise-Cancelling Earmuffs

Another option that you can try is earmuffs that are particularly designed for dogs. These products could not block out the noise completely, however, they would help your dog hear fewer sounds. 

Wrap Up On How To Soundproof Dog Crate For Thunderstorms: Maximizing Their Comfort

There are a lot of options to soundproof your dog crate and help your pet when loud noises occur. So, you need to consider carefully which option is best suited for you and your pet so that your pet can get the maximum comfort and relief.   


And for that, you have to consider several factors such as the size of your pet, where you live, your resources, and other things. Because the comfort and security that you can provide to your pet is the most important thing. 

We hope that our comprehensive guide has helped you to learn how to soundproof dog crate for thunderstorms. And if you have already tried any of the previously mentioned methods for soundproofing a dog crate, then please share your experiences in the comments below. 


FAQ: How To Soundproof Dog Crate For Thunderstorms

A lot of people don’t know how to soundproof dog crate for thunderstorms, and they generally try different methods and creative approaches. Here we have tried to provide appropriate answers to those questions that can come to your mind related to soundproofing your pet’s crate.

Q1. What Sounds Keep Dogs Quiet?

Ans: To stop your barking dog, playing white noise can be an effective solution. Because it can cover up all of the other loud annoying sounds that your dog is super sensitive to.

Q2. Do Moving Blankets Work For Soundproofing?

Ans: Moving Blankets actually are not soundproof blankets. However, they can absorb some sound in recording studios and band rooms. Moving blankets might have sound absorption properties, but they are porous and acoustically transparent to some extent. And they are also not designed to block noise.

Q3. Can I Soundproof My Dog Crate?

Ans: A heavy-duty cover can definitely help you block out noise. Also, you can cover the crate with a moving blanket, as a moving blanket have better sound absorption properties than a regular one. And you can even use one blanket to form a bed for your pet inside the crate too and it will also help reduce sound.

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